Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Google's searching syntax

We often use the search engines to find the information we need. However, I believe that most of us have the same experience of getting stuck or lost on the Internet. It is because the Internet is so messy and unorganized, so we often get the information that is useless or unrelated to us. In addition, we often encounter the situation that the keyword we type in the search engine is not good enough. So the finding results are sometimes irrelevant or not good enough.

After I learned the Google’s searching syntax, I found out that it helps a lot, especially if we want to find some information which is more formal, convincing and academic. I also learn how to use better keywords to find the information I need. Also, I could find the file types I want, the information in certain region or the academic works in Google Scholar.

Recently we watched a movie called “Wuthering Height”, adapted from the novel by Emily Brontë. I use the searching syntax to find some deeper information about “Wuthering Height”. In order to know more about the background information and some deeper analysis of the story, I therefore typed “filetype:PDF + Wuthering Height” in Google. And the results are quite useful and relevant for me! And it’s clear at glance.


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