Thursday, May 1, 2008

I have a Podcast!

Hi, everyone. I got a podcast for myself!
I want to put some videos that I am interested in or I want to share with you on my podcast.
So far, I only post a music video I love called "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy. I love the lyrics so much. I will put more videos on my podcast, lyrics of the videos and my personal reflection. Please take a look and leave some comments for me.

This is Shanni's Podcast:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

VOA (Voice of America)

VOA (Voice of America)

Today I want to recommend a website called Voice of America. The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 115 million people.

I am first contacted with this website in the interpretation class. The teacher introduced me about the website with abundant news and other resources which are good materials for interpretation and English learning. And we also take download the news to interpret. I found out that I not only learned many vocabulary and phrases from the VOA news, but also I absorbed international news which can broaden my global vision.

I strongly recommend for language learners to download the VOA news and save it in your computer or iPod for listening as many time as possible to improve your listening ability. Also, you can read the scripts of the news and check the vocabulary, phrases and usage in the news by yourself. Gradually, I believe that your English ability will be improved. Also, VOA news provides the latest news for us to know what happened in the world and broaden our global vision. You can know what is going on in Europe, Asia, Africa, Mid-East and other countries with various topics.

Next I want to recommend something about language learning. There is portion in VOA which is called Learning English. The articles provides in Learning Language are special selected articles which is aimed at ESL and EFL learners. I have listened and read some articles, and I found out that the articles here are shorter and simpler than the normal VOA news. And the speaker speaks very slowly in order to let the listener feel secure and confident, increasing their interest and self-confidence in learning English. I think that VOA is concerning its audiences with care and attention.

Another related resource I want to recommend is VOA Podcast. It is also divided into two parts; one is for language learning and the other is the normal one. The Podcast here is different from the VOA news. It’s more like a talk show or a discussion. You can know more about others’ opinions and viewpoints toward an important issue, such as food crisis or election.

There are some hot issues right now and VOA news has arranged the related, important and up-to-date news of each issues. Taking examples from VOA, the hottest issue here is “The Road to the 2008 Us Elections”; VOA news provides abundant news and analysis about US politics. And another important issue in VOA right now is “Food crisis”, advocating the news about feeding a hungry world.

How to evaluate a web resource?

Evaluation of the Web Sources

When we are surfing the internet, sometimes we are not sure about whether the website we find has validity or not. We are wondering about the credibility of the website, and it could make us feel unsafe. So the following two sites give some suggestions and guidelines on website evaluation. When we surf the Internet, we could evaluate the website by these guidelines.

Let’s see what the professors said:
1. Evaluation Sources by Deborah Healey.

2. Evaluating Internet Research Sources by Robert Harris.

3. Rubrics for evaluating websites:
(a) for early primary grades
(b) for 2nd and 3rd graders
(c) for intermediate learners

PBS Kids: Barney and Friends

The website is called “Barney and Friends” and it comes from PBS Kids, a website that is designed for children. The website of Barney and Friends is really cute and colorful. It is obvious that it is designed for children. It can be mainly divided to four parts which are Storytime, Coloring, Music and Games. In Coloring part, you can download and print out the pictures, and paint it with color pens. And in Music part, I listened a song about manners: Please and Thank you. It is really cute and cheerful! The lyrics are created by them and they are really interesting. In the storytime, I read a story “Hugs”, and it is a warm story.

Here is PBS Kids:

Here is Barney and Friends:

The sample of Coloring:

Here is one of the music called Please and Thank You, containing with lyrics:
Here is a story in Storytime:

Introduction of Phonetics

Introduction of Phonetics

About the Phonetics Flash Animation Project:
This site contains animated libraries of the phonetic sounds of English. Available for each consonant and vowel is an animated articulatory diagram, a step-by-step description, and video-audio of the sound spoken in context. It is intended for students of phonetics, linguistics, and foreign language.
The project was a collaborative effort of the Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, German, Speech Pathology and Audiology, and Academic Technologies at the University of Iowa.

My using experience

I think the website is really good for the English-majored students, especially when we are studying linguistics. I am confused by the phonetics for a long time and I cannot pronounce every vowel and consonant in a correct way sometimes. I feel a little bit frustrated sometimes, and I believe that most of the students might have the same experience just like mine. But don’t be upset! Here is a good website for you to learn to pronounce vowel and consonant which is the basic stone of approaching good English speaking! The website provides the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants by animation and also by real person. I think it’s really clear and could help ESL and EFL learners a lot.

My Experience of Using MyET

My Experience of Using MyET
Until now, I have finished a lesson which is about introducing oneself. I listened carefully to the dialog spoken by teachers once. And it provides vocabulary explanation in order to let students know more and clear about the text. Then, I practice the text by repeating every sentence. Meanwhile, the software would evaluate my speaking and let me know my problem of intonation, pronunciation and fluency. In the next step, I did the role-play. I chose to be a male character and continued doing my role. The overall performance of my speaking is good and I got over 80. I felt quite proud of myself. Last, I did the final test. I had to repeat the sentences after the teacher in 10 mins. And I also did a great job. In addition, I did the cloze test which was not so difficult at all. However, you need to be very familiar with the text, or you might have no idea about the words you should put in.

During the speaking quizzes, I found out that some short vowels I pronounced were not correct, such as /ı / and /ε/. I am suprised because the software can really help me to find out the trivial mistake for me. Thus, it could remind me that I need to pay more attention to it!!

There is one thing which is really confusing. Sometimes when I repeating the sentences, the software gave me a really low score. But I think I did a good job. Why did it give me low score? In my opinion, I think the machine is too ossified sometimes. Perhaps it is just a kind of scoring way of MyET. So I just need to accept the results.

MyET – My English Tutor

MyET – My English Tutor

MyET is like a personal tutor that can help you learn English through speaking practice. MyET's unique and award-winning technology, "Automatic Speech Analysis System" (ASAS©), can analyze your English speech on pronunciation, pitch, timing and emphasis, and even pinpoint problems to individual sounds. After you speak, you receive a score and specific feedback on how to improve. Whether you're a beginner or advanced learner, MyET is like a one-on-one tutor who can make speaking English a comfortable experience!

Key Features:
1. Like a personal tutor, gives you one-on-one feedback on your speech
2. Evaluates the level of your speech capabilities
3. Ensures you learn the correct accent
4. Helps you express yourself in English
5. Provides an online community
6. ives you a choice of content, the freedom to learn what you like