Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Introduction of Phonetics

Introduction of Phonetics

About the Phonetics Flash Animation Project:
This site contains animated libraries of the phonetic sounds of English. Available for each consonant and vowel is an animated articulatory diagram, a step-by-step description, and video-audio of the sound spoken in context. It is intended for students of phonetics, linguistics, and foreign language.
The project was a collaborative effort of the Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, German, Speech Pathology and Audiology, and Academic Technologies at the University of Iowa.

My using experience

I think the website is really good for the English-majored students, especially when we are studying linguistics. I am confused by the phonetics for a long time and I cannot pronounce every vowel and consonant in a correct way sometimes. I feel a little bit frustrated sometimes, and I believe that most of the students might have the same experience just like mine. But don’t be upset! Here is a good website for you to learn to pronounce vowel and consonant which is the basic stone of approaching good English speaking! The website provides the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants by animation and also by real person. I think it’s really clear and could help ESL and EFL learners a lot.


At April 30, 2008 at 7:48 AM , Blogger Irish said...

Congratulations on learning English.

Why are you learning English?

I did not check WHERE IN THE WORLD YOU ARE>>> but I am in North America and thank you for learning our language.

Muchas Gracias.

At October 8, 2014 at 10:56 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This post has been extremely insightful & useful to increase my knowledge. Well, I'm so happy that I have found this post because I have been seeking some information about it. Here’s a good resource that is also worth a look.



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