Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab --- "Flower Shop"

I did a quiz in General Listening Quizzes; the topic I chose is “Flower Shop”.
The level is medium. The topic is about ordering flowers. And it is a conversation between a man and a woman. The length is 02:15.

I. Pre-Listening Exercises
On what occasions do people buy flowers for others (e.g., marriages, funerals, etc.)? Where can you buy flowers in your area? What types of flowers (and colors) are given for different life events?
Ans: (1) People buy flowers for others when they attend a wedding or funerals. Or they send flowers to friend as a birthday gift. Sometimes, people bring flowers when they are visiting someone in the hospitals. (2) I can buy flowers in flower shop in the night market. (3) Usually, we give roses to someone we love to express our affection toward lovers. Or we give white flowers when we are attending a funeral.

II. Listening Exercises
I listen to the conversation between a husband and a flower seller in a flower shop. The conversation is quite easy and funny. The man forgets the anniversary, so he wants to buy some flowers for compensation. And the flower seller is telling the man what he should do to compensate his wife.
I did the quiz and got them all right. Also, I have learned some useful vocabulary and phrases in the quiz script. For example: It looks like you need to face the music and just talk to her. "Face the music" means accepting punishment or consequences of certain events. The rate of conversation is normal, not too fast or too slow. I think it is practical and realistic.

III. Vocabulary Activities
I practiced the vocabulary in matching game. It is convenient to use these kinds of activities to memorize the vocabulary. However, sometimes I feel bored about these tests.

IV. Post-Listening Exercises
In the situations below, would you give flowers, and if so, what colors and types would you order?
(1) Your sister is getting married.
(2) A close friend passed away.
(3) Your father is in the hospital.
(4) A friend is graduating from college.
(5) A neighbor just had a baby.
Now, write your opinions on a related topic at Randall's ESL Blog

Ans: I would give flowers to my friend who is graduating from college. It is because I think the moment is important, and the flowers can represent my most sincere blessings to him or her. I probably would choose sunflowers, since sunflowers are bright and colorful. In my opinion, sunflower is the symbol of persistence. It means "Never give up". I want my friend to be strong and courageous even when he or she is facing some obstacles.

Overall, I think most of the teacher might like to use Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab to give students some listening quizzes. It is because the website provides many quizzes and it's quite convenient for the teacher. And I think it is useful for Enlish-majored students to practice listening by themselves.


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