Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reflection of ESL Podcast Blog

Reflection of ESL Podcast Blog

The podcast I chose is ESL Podcast 53: Understanding Men and Women. The total length of the podcast is 18:47. Tags: Relationship.

The dialog is between a man and a woman. And they are discussing the differences between men and women. Lucy thinks that men are not romantic; instead, they are too practical. Man could send wife a vacuum cleaner as a anniversary gift. However, Jeff disagrees with Lucy. He thinks that it’s man’s job to protect his wife and family. And it represents a good husband. They reach a conclusion that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

I think the conversation is quite interesting. And the explanation by teacher is really clear. He gives a lot of paraphrases of sentences in dialog. I learn a lot from complete transcript and vocabulary explanation. Also, I learn how to explain the sentences to others in different ways. The only place I do not like is the speed of the dialog. I think it is too slow when the teacher is explaining the whole dialog. This is due to the purpose of the website is for ESL learners.


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