Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Experience of Using MyET

My Experience of Using MyET
Until now, I have finished a lesson which is about introducing oneself. I listened carefully to the dialog spoken by teachers once. And it provides vocabulary explanation in order to let students know more and clear about the text. Then, I practice the text by repeating every sentence. Meanwhile, the software would evaluate my speaking and let me know my problem of intonation, pronunciation and fluency. In the next step, I did the role-play. I chose to be a male character and continued doing my role. The overall performance of my speaking is good and I got over 80. I felt quite proud of myself. Last, I did the final test. I had to repeat the sentences after the teacher in 10 mins. And I also did a great job. In addition, I did the cloze test which was not so difficult at all. However, you need to be very familiar with the text, or you might have no idea about the words you should put in.

During the speaking quizzes, I found out that some short vowels I pronounced were not correct, such as /ı / and /ε/. I am suprised because the software can really help me to find out the trivial mistake for me. Thus, it could remind me that I need to pay more attention to it!!

There is one thing which is really confusing. Sometimes when I repeating the sentences, the software gave me a really low score. But I think I did a good job. Why did it give me low score? In my opinion, I think the machine is too ossified sometimes. Perhaps it is just a kind of scoring way of MyET. So I just need to accept the results.


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